the limited edition CK "Clueless" dress @ confederacy

CLUELESS is by far my #1 favorite movie of all time. i used to pop in the vhs after school and even though i was a 4th/5th grader, had no idea what an Alaia was, nor was old enough to shop at contempo casuals, I still managed to get my hands on knee-high socks and argyle sweaters to channel my inner Cher.

so when i saw that Confederacy was doing a limited edition release of the famous dress...
(cher's dad: what the hell is that? cher: it's a dress! dad: says who? cher: says Calvin Klein!)
i immediately was brought back to the days of Clueless..

the what-evers, the whiny radiohead music loved by josh, the rollin' with the homies, the outrageous plaid outfits, .. i can go on forever.

things to do today: watch Clueless (but dvd this time) :)