Well not quite..but still pretty damn exciting and awesome! Little sis is the talented fashion editor and stylist for LOCALE MAGAZINE, a new Orange County premier lifestyle publication! What you'll find in the glossy pages of Locale is the best of what Orange County has to offer...and ya'll know OC has plenty to offer.

To be a timeless stylist, one must be fluent in all levels of fashion (if one wants to make a career out of it). Throwing on a pair of Forever 21 jeans and heels from Bakers is easy and of course there's nothing wrong with that...afterall , fashion has no boundaries. Anna has an eye and knowledge for fashion (the main reason this blog exists), mixing basic, vintage and high-end pieces together to make up a helluva fabulous outfit! And aside from the exterior of fashion, she's got deep skills as a writer; as if she's a veteran and been doing this all her life. i mean, her articles even makes ME intrigued to read!

Anticipating to read and see more of her name in print!

don't just talk about it, be about it.
Kudos to you little sis and Locale Magazine!

tonight: a celebration @ Locale Magazine's launch party.