Three Degrees of Softness, another grouping from McCall's Magazine, April 1943. Each of these use pleats to create a less severe look. And they are each pretty interesting too. It's all about those details. And the hats, again with the hats!

"TAILORED BUT SOFT"--This describes at least half of the new shirtfrocks. Everybody can find a becoming one, now. The yellow dress falls into this softly tailored class, with its curved yokes and the gathers below them. No. 5229

COLLARLESS SHIRTFROCK--Many women like everything about a shirtwaister except its notch collar. The flame-colored dress is for them. The skirt is interesting. It has eight slim gores, the front ones saddle-stitched, No. 5217.

ONE FOR VERY BEST--The green dress is illustrated in a good rayon crape, tested rayon. This is one of the best of the draped style, and simpler to make, really, than a tailored frock. Very nice, too, made of a semi-sheer. No. 5225.